Dr.Syn Scarecrow of Romney Marsh was a three-episode installment of The Wonderful World of Disney’s weekly television program and was later released as a theatrical feature. Its eerie escapades, thrilling historical storyline set during the time of the American Revolution, and featuring a terrifying champion created a fanatical cult following for several Disney fans and sometimes seemed somewhat supernatural.
Romney Marsh isn’t the name of an individual but maybe a sparsely populated hundred area unit wetland within the counties of Kent and East Sussex within the south-east of England. due to its isolated location and therefore the geography of the world, it had been employed by smugglers between the 1600s and 1800s to usher in items in the dark like alcohol and tobacco from France, Belgium, and Holland to avoid paying high taxes.
The smugglers were sometimes called Owlers due to the owl-like calls they wont to communicate with one another within the darkness but the foremost prominent group was the infamous Hawkhurst Gang.
The area and its lore inspired many writers including British actor and novelist Russell Thorndike, who in 1915 published his first novel about Christopher Syn, the kindly, soft-spoken vicar of the small town of Dymchurch.
Thorndike was born in Kent and grew up hearing the stories of smugglers who had frequented the world. His father was an area cleric. He was the brother of well-known British actress Dame Sybil Thorndike. One night trying to calm her after that they had witnessed a murder within the streets while on a stage tour, he came up with the story of the mysterious Dr. Syn.
However, the vicar’s scholarly and pleasant personality hides the very fact that he was once a vicious pirate named Captain Clegg which currently, ‘s the Scarecrow of Romney Marsh, the mysterious masked leader of a band of local smugglers.
Being an actor, Thorndike actually portrayed Dr. Syn during a 1925 London stage adaptation. He was alive and well when the Disney film was being produced and he visited the set during filming proclaiming, “I’m absolutely delighted with the treatment within the Disney production.”
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