The Storyline of Evita
Admired for soaring! The cinematic adaptation of the renowned Broadway musical tells the infamous real-life story of Eva “Evita” Duarte de Peron, President Juan Peron’s wife, who rose from poverty to become Argentina’s most famous lady in history. Her enormous political clout and persistent charitable efforts won her hatred and dread from the military and upper classes, but respect and affection from the workers and descamisados. Evita’s famous life as Argentina’s most loathed and most cherished lady is played out in front of your eyes.
Movie Details
Release date
January 10, 1997 (United States)
Country of origin
United States
Also known as
Filming locations
Budapest, Hungary
Production companies
Hollywood PicturesCinergi Pictures Entertainment
Main Cast |
Madonna | … | Eva Perón | |
Antonio Banderas | … | Ché | |
Jonathan Pryce | … | Juan Perón | |
Jimmy Nail | … | Agustín Magaldi |
Souce ” IMDB
Wild Tales from the Village DVD 2016 | Rare movies on DVD | Old Movies (
A Dog Called Vengeance (El Perro) DVD 1977 | Rare movies on DVD | Old Movies (
Special Note: Due to ongoing Pandemic International Shipping may be subjected to Delay about 4-6 Weeks.
All the DVDs are made out of Best Quality DVD-R Discs with Colour Disc art.
Note: The Quality of the DVD is much Better than Following Trailer Video.
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